Ramadan Timing Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Sehri & Iftar Time Today!

DateFiqa-e-Hanafia (Sehri)Fiqa-e-Hanafia (Iftar)Fiqa-e-Jafria (Sehri)Fiqa-e-Jafria (Iftar)
14 March 2025 / 14th Ramadan5:16 AM  6:34 PM5:06 AM 6:44 PM
  • Fasting starts at the sehri time Dubai (Suhoor) and the end of it at the iftar time Dubai (Maghrib prayer).
  • Muslims should not eat at the sehri time in Dubai before and afterward, wait until the exact iftar time before they finish their fast. These dates are taken from the Ramadan calendar and vary slightly every day.

30 Days Abu Dhabi Sehri & Iftar Timing

Below is the schedule for prayer timings in Abu Dhabi for March:

February 285:27 AM6:25 PM5:17 AM6:35 PM
March 15:25 AM6:26 PM5:15 AM6:36 PM
March 25:27 AM6:28 PM5:17 AM6:38 PM
March 35:26 AM6:29 PM5:16 AM6:39 PM
March 45:25 AM6:29 PM5:15 AM6:39 PM
March 55:24 AM6:30 PM5:14 AM6:40 PM
March 65:24 AM6:30 PM5:14 AM6:40 PM
March 75:23 AM6:31 PM5:13 AM6:41 PM
March 85:22 AM6:31 PM5:12 AM6:41 PM
March 95:21 AM6:32 PM5:11 AM6:42 PM
March 105:20 AM6:32 PM5:10 AM6:42 PM
March 115:19 AM6:33 PM5:09 AM6:43 PM
March 125:18 AM6:33 PM5:08 AM6:43 PM
March 135:17 AM6:33 PM5:07 AM6:43 PM
March 145:16 AM6:34 PM5:06 AM6:44 PM
March 155:15 AM6:34 PM5:05 AM6:44 PM
March 165:14 AM6:35 PM5:04 AM6:45 PM
March 175:13 AM6:35 PM5:03 AM6:45 PM
March 185:12 AM6:36 PM5:02 AM6:46 PM
March 195:11 AM6:36 PM5:01 AM6:46 PM
March 205:10 AM6:36 PM5:00 AM6:46 PM
March 215:08 AM6:37 PM4:58 AM6:47 PM
March 225:07 AM6:37 PM4:57 AM6:47 PM
March 235:06 AM6:38 PM4:56 AM6:48 PM
March 245:05 AM6:38 PM4:55 AM6:48 PM
March 255:04 AM6:39 PM4:54 AM6:49 PM
March 265:03 AM6:39 PM4:53 AM6:49 PM
March 275:02 AM6:39 PM4:52 AM6:49 PM
March 285:01 AM6:40 PM4:51 AM6:50 PM
March 295:00 AM6:40 PM4:50 AM6:50 PM

What is Salah? and it’s Importance in Ramadan

Salah, also known as prayer, is the second pillar of Islam and the main way Muslims worship. It is observed five times a day at predetermined times that correspond to the sun’s trajectory. This guide offers prayer timings for Abu Dhabi in March, along with details on Salah, Adhan (the call to prayer), and Rakats.

Salah is a compulsory act of worship carried out by Muslims five times a day. It’s an effective way to communicate directly with Allah, to ask for His guidance, and to express appreciation. The five essential prayers are:

  1. Fajr: To be said at dawn before the sun rises.
  2. Dhuhr: To be said at noon after the sun passes its highest point.
  3. Asr: To be said in the afternoon.
  4. Maghrib: To be said just after sunset.
  5. Isha – To be said at night.
  6. Additional Prayers

Besides the five obligatory prayers, there are many other important prayers in Islam:

  • Jumuah Prayer: Shown on Fridays at noon.
  • Tahajjud Prayer: It is prayed in the early morning; it is more recommended but not compulsory.
  • Tarawih Prayer: Added to the Isha prayer while during the holy month of Ramadan.
  • Eid Prayers: Marked on Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha.

Salah Rakats

Each prayer comprises a distinct quantity of Rakats (units of prayer):

  1. Fajr: 2 Sunnah + 2 Fard
  2. Dhuhr: 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 2 Nafl
  3. Asr: 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard
  4. Maghrib: 3 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 2 Nafl
  5. Isha: 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 2 Nafl + 3 Witr.

Value of Praying in Groups

Muslims can pray in any location they want, but it is very important to pray in a congregation in a mosque, as it strengthens the spirit of unity and community among the believers. Mosques in Abu Dhabi have nice accommodations for worshippers to perform their daily prayers, Jumu’ah (Friday prayers), and Taraweeh during Ramadan.

Advantages of Different Salah Positions

Various positions of Salah have both spiritual and physical benefits:

  • Qiyam (Standing): This posture helps make blood circulate better in the legs, also it is good for increasing the strength of the legs.
    Ruku (Bowing): This movement is useful to the lower vertebral column and back problems, it can help one to avoid them. It also improves flexibility in the elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles.
    Sajdah (Prostration): This movement is beneficial for blood circulation to the brain and the stimulation of the pituitary gland and pineal gland.
    Tashahhud (Sitting Mind): It is like the yoga position of Vajrasana. It develops the thigh and calf muscles, protects against digestive disorders, and ensures a straight and upright spine.

Adhan: The Call to Prayer & it’s meaning

The Adhan is a public call to prayer which is given by a muezzin in the mosque. It is a time for Muslims to prepare for Salah. In addition to the call, the prayer has the statement of faith:

  • Allah u Akbar (Allah is great).
  • Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah (I bear witness that there is no God except Allah).
  • Ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasool Allah (I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).
  • Hayya’ ala-s-Salah (Hasten to prayer).
  • Hayya’ ala-l-Falah (Hasten to success).
  • Allahu Akbar (Allah is great).
  • La ilaha illallah (There is no God except Allah).

Fajr prayer times in Abu Dhabi for March 2025 range from 05:29 AM to 05:04 AM.

Dhuhr prayer times in Abu Dhabi for March 2025 are typically between 12:38 PM and 12:31 PM.

Maghrib prayer times in Abu Dhabi for March 2025 vary between 6:26 PM and 6:39 PM.

You can get the prayer times for Abu Dhabi during March 2025 by visiting internet sites like Al-Habib or Aladhan, where you can find documents in PDF or Excel formats to download or print out.

The month of Ramadan for the year 2025 starts on 1st March in Abu Dhabi.

Sehri times in Abu Dhabi during Ramadan start about 05:28 AM and the Iftar times mostly occur at around 6:26 PM.

Ramadan lasts for 30 days in Abu Dhabi, with the last day on March 30, 2025.

Ramadan is a month of fasting and spiritual reflection for Muslims in Abu Dhabi, emphasizing community and charity.

Dua for Sehri:

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ.

’’اورمیں نے ماہ رمضان کے کل کے روزے کی نیت کی.‘‘

I Intend to keep the fast for month of Ramadan

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Dua for Iftar

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنَّی لَکَ صُمْتُ وَبِکَ اٰمَنْتُ وَعَلَيْکَ تَوَکَّلْتُ وَعَلٰی رِزْقِکَ اَفْطَرْتُ.

’’اے اللہ!میں نے تیری خاطر روزہ رکھا اور تیرے اوپر ایمان لایا اور تجھ پر بھروسہ کیا اورتیرے رزق سے اسے کھول رہا ہوں۔‘‘

O Allah! I fasted for you and I believe in you and I put my trust in You and I break my fast with your sustenance.

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