Dubai Sehri & Iftar Time Today!

DateFiqa-e-Hanafia (Sehri)Fiqa-e-Hanafia (Iftar)Fiqa-e-Jafria (Sehri)Fiqa-e-Jafria (Iftar)
14 March 2025 / 14th Ramadan05:12 AM  06:31 PM05:02 AM 06:41 PM
  • Fasting starts at the sehri time Dubai (Suhoor) and the end of it at the iftar time Dubai (Maghrib prayer). 
  • Muslims should not eat at the sehri time in Dubai before and afterward, wait until the exact iftar time before they finish their fast. These dates are taken from the Ramadan calendar and vary slightly every day.

30 Days Dubai Sehri & Iftar Timing

This Ramadan calendar offers the right sehri timing in Dubai and iftar time based on the daily schedules of the month. Below is the monthly Sehr-o-Iftar calendar breakdowns of Ramadan 2025:

February 2805:24 AM06:21 PM05:14 AM06:31 PM
March 105:22 AM06:22 PM05:12 AM06:32 PM
March 205:24 AM06:25 PM05:14 AM06:35 PM
March 305:23 AM06:25 PM05:13 AM06:35 PM
March 405:22 AM06:26 PM05:12 AM06:36 PM
March 505:21 AM06:26 PM05:11 AM06:36 PM
March 605:20 AM06:27 PM05:10 AM06:37 PM
March 705:19 AM06:27 PM05:09 AM06:37 PM
March 805:18 AM06:28 PM05:08 AM06:38 PM
March 905:17 AM06:28 PM05:07 AM06:38 PM
March 1005:16 AM06:29 PM05:06 AM06:39 PM
March 1105:15 AM06:29 PM05:05 AM06:39 PM
March 1205:14 AM06:30 PM05:04 AM06:40 PM
March 1305:13 AM06:30 PM05:03 AM06:40 PM
March 1405:12 AM06:31 PM05:02 AM06:41 PM
March 1505:11 AM06:31 PM05:01 AM06:41 PM
March 1605:10 AM06:31 PM05:00 AM06:41 PM
March 1705:09 AM06:32 PM04:59 AM06:42 PM
March 1805:08 AM06:32 PM04:58 AM06:42 PM
March 1905:07 AM06:33 PM04:57 AM06:43 PM
March 2005:06 AM06:33 PM04:56 AM06:43 PM
March 2105:05 AM06:34 PM04:55 AM06:44 PM
March 2205:04 AM06:34 PM04:54 AM06:44 PM
March 2305:02 AM06:35 PM04:52 AM06:45 PM
March 2405:01 AM06:35 PM04:51 AM06:45 PM
March 2505:00 AM06:35 PM04:50 AM06:45 PM
March 2604:59 AM06:36 PM04:49 AM06:46 PM
March 2704:58 AM06:36 PM04:48 AM06:46 PM
March 2804:57 AM06:37 PM04:47 AM06:47 PM
March 2904:56 AM06:37 PM04:46 AM06:47 PM


  • Timings are based on historical data and geographical calculations. Confirm with local authorities for moon sighting updates.
  • Muslims also perform Taraweeh prayers(after Isha) during Ramadan, which are additional to the regular Isha prayers. You will never miss today’s iftar time in Dubai or sehri time Dubai if you follow the Ramadan calendar.

Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic faith, with over a billion Muslims observing it today. It is a month of purification through eating and drinking nothing, performing prayers, and self-reflection. For Muslims, they eat, drink, and perform any other activity from dawn (sehri time Dubai) to sunset (iftar time Dubai).
During the fasting in Ramadan, there is the following strict Ramadan timing, which includes the correct sehri timing in Dubai for starting the fast and tonight’s iftar time for breaking it. Therefore, knowing the time for today’s Dubai iftar time and sehri time Dubai first is vital to dedicated fasting.

Understanding Sehri and Iftar in Ramadan!

What is Sehri?

Sehri time in Dubai is the pre-breakfast meal Muslims eat before they commence their fasting hours. This meal is critical because it provides the needed energy to the individual to fast for the day.

Key Aspects of Sehri:

  • The last time to eat is before sehri timing in Dubai finishes.
  • Having the right combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats is recommended.
  • Drinking adequate water before sehri time in Dubai avoids dehydration.

What is Iftar?

Iftar time in Dubai signals the end of fasting for Muslims. It is customary to first consume dates and water, and then follow it with a healthy meal.

Key Aspects of Iftar:

  • The fast should be finished precisely at current Dubai’s iftar time. As mentioned above.
  • A well-balanced meal is key in recovering the lost energy.
  • There is time for prayer and thankfulness.

Why Accurate Ramadan Timing Matters?

  1. Making Sure that Fasting is Done Right:
    The fasting must start with Sehri time and then end with Iftar Time. A single mistake in time can change the validity of your fast.
  2. Aligning Prayer Times:
    The Ramadan calendar helps Muslims to follow prayer times accurately. Consequently, it encourages the development of spirituality.
  3. Health and well-being:
    Eating at the accurate times, such as sehri timing in Dubai and iftar time today, helps the body get the right food required for smooth functioning, reducing fatigue and dehydration.

Factors that Affect the Dates and Times of Iftar and Sehri in Dubai!

  1. Time Differences in Different Locations
    Ramadan fasting times are observed a little bit differently in the various emirates of the UAE.
    People in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, or Ajman may have a slight difference in the timing of their sehri timing, and iftar time in Dubai.
  2. Moon Sighting Affect on Islamic Calendar
    There is no doubt that the Islamic calendar is simply based on the lunar year.
    The start and end of Ramadan depend on the moon sighting, which causes changes in the Ramadan calendar.
  3. Seasonal Conformations
    The season of the year affects the traveling hours.
    In summer, the day starts earlier, thus the sehri time in Dubai is earlier and the iftar time today is longer due to having more hours of daily light.

How to Stay Updated with Today’s Dubai Iftar time and Sehri time?

  1. Islamic and other Websites and Apps
    Download a trusted Islamic site that suggests/ updates a person about Ramadan timing.
    Mobile apps such as today’s Dubai iftar time and sehri time Dubai.
  2. Nearer Mosques and Islamic Centers
    Mosques declare iftar time today and also give Sehri time in Dubai daily.
    Mosques are places where Ramadan calendars are given to keep Muslims to track their prayer and fasting.
  3. Ramadan Calendars and Prayer Timetables
    Many sundry mosques slim the monthly
    Ramadan calendar along with other Islamic organizations.

    The checking of printed or digital calendars ensures accuracy in the timings of sehri and iftar in Dubai.

Tips on Having a Productive Ramadan in Dubai!

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet

    Eat nutritious meals at sehri time in Dubai and iftar time today.
    Dates, fruits, vegetables, and proteins have sustained energy.
  2. Stay Hydrated

    Drink plenty of water between iftar time and sehri time in Dubai.
    Limit caffeine that could expel water from your body.
  3. Reshape Your Day with Ramadan Timing

    Plan your work and rest periods based on Ramadan timing.
    A Ramadan calendar can also help you easily manage your prayer and meal times.

No, Ramadan is the only one-time event that is observed every year according to the Islamic lunar calendar.

No, the Ramadan dates differ with the year as it is dependent on the lunar calendar.

The end of Ramadan will be celebrated with Eid Al Fitr, which is a three-day festival.

Yes, Ramadan can take place in winter by the nation and the month of the usual calendar.

The term Ramadan means “heat” or “dry,” taken from Arabic words such as “ramida” or “ar-ramad.”

Children are not obliged to fast until they have reached Shin Medea, but some may choose to observe shorter fasts.

Apart from being present at the community events, non-Muslims may also fast for a day with the Muslims at work and give greetings for Ramadan.

Non-Muslim citizens have to adapt to their lifestyle away from eating, drinking, and smoking in public in countries where Islamic rights rule.

Dua for Sehri:

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ.

’’اورمیں نے ماہ رمضان کے کل کے روزے کی نیت کی.‘‘

I Intend to keep the fast for month of Ramadan

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Dua for Iftar

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنَّی لَکَ صُمْتُ وَبِکَ اٰمَنْتُ وَعَلَيْکَ تَوَکَّلْتُ وَعَلٰی رِزْقِکَ اَفْطَرْتُ.

’’اے اللہ!میں نے تیری خاطر روزہ رکھا اور تیرے اوپر ایمان لایا اور تجھ پر بھروسہ کیا اورتیرے رزق سے اسے کھول رہا ہوں۔‘‘

O Allah! I fasted for you and I believe in you and I put my trust in You and I break my fast with your sustenance.

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