
Sharjah Sehri & Iftar Time Today!

DateFiqa-e-Hanafia (Sehri)Fiqa-e-Hanafia (Iftar)Fiqa-e-Jafria (Sehri)Fiqa-e-Jafria (Iftar)
13 March 2025 / 13th Ramadan5:12 AM  6:29 PM5:02 AM 6:39 PM
  • Fasting starts at the sehri time Dubai (Suhoor) and the end of it at the iftar time Dubai (Maghrib prayer). 
  • Muslims should not eat at the sehri time in Dubai before and afterward, wait until the exact iftar time before they finish their fast. These dates are taken from the Ramadan calendar and vary slightly every day.

30 Days Sharjah Sehri & Iftar Timing

February 285:23 AM6:20 PM5:13 AM6:30 PM
March 15:21 AM6:21 PM5:11 AM6:31 PM
March 25:23 AM6:24 PM5:13 AM6:34 PM
March 35:22 AM6:24 PM5:12 AM6:34 PM
March 45:21 AM6:25 PM5:11 AM6:35 PM
March 55:20 AM6:25 PM5:10 AM6:35 PM
March 65:19 AM6:26 PM5:09 AM6:36 PM
March 75:18 AM6:26 PM5:08 AM6:36 PM
March 85:17 AM6:27 PM5:07 AM6:37 PM
March 95:16 AM6:27 PM5:06 AM6:37 PM
March 105:15 AM6:28 PM5:05 AM6:38 PM
March 115:14 AM6:28 PM5:04 AM6:38 PM
March 125:13 AM6:29 PM5:03 AM6:39 PM
March 135:12 AM6:29 PM5:02 AM6:39 PM
March 145:11 AM6:30 PM5:01 AM6:40 PM
March 155:10 AM6:30 PM5:00 AM6:40 PM
March 165:09 AM6:31 PM4:59 AM6:41 PM
March 175:08 AM6:31 PM4:58 AM6:41 PM
March 185:07 AM6:31 PM4:57 AM6:41 PM
March 195:06 AM6:32 PM4:56 AM6:42 PM
March 205:05 AM6:32 PM4:55 AM6:42 PM
March 215:04 AM6:33 PM4:54 AM6:43 PM
March 225:03 AM6:33 PM4:53 AM6:43 PM
March 235:02 AM6:34 PM4:52 AM6:44 PM
March 245:01 AM6:34 PM4:51 AM6:44 PM
March 254:59 AM6:35 PM4:49 AM6:45 PM
March 264:58 AM6:35 PM4:48 AM6:45 PM
March 274:57 AM6:35 PM4:47 AM6:45 PM
March 284:56 AM6:36 PM4:46 AM6:46 PM
March 294:55 AM6:36 PM4:45 AM6:46 PM

Muslims celebrate Ramadan, which is the ninth month in the lunar calendar. Ramadan is the month of fasting, praying, and self-reflection. Ramadan is the most sacred of the calendar year for the Muslims all over the globe.

For both locals and tourists in Sharjah, understanding the Sehri and Iftar time Sharjah enables them to properly perform the fast.

Importance of Ramadan and Fasting!

Fasting in Ramadan is a significant aspect to observe among the five pillars of Islam. It serves as a self-cleansing ritual which embodies the feelings of self-control, empathy, and love towards Allah. Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, and any kind of physical indulgence during the period between dawn and sunset, or rather from suhoor time to iftar time, Sharjah. Keeping fast encourages patience, gratefulness, and strengthens one’s faith.
Prayer time in Sharjah is also fundamental to a Muslim’s life. During Ramadan, extra prayers like Taraweeh are prayed. Fasting together with prayer gives a Muslim a closer connection with Allah while showering them with blessings.

The time for sehri in Sharjah today is 5:23 am for FIqa Hanafi and 5:13 am for FIqa Jafria.

Drinking or eating anything breaks the fast. Water is important to drink to hydrate yourself before and after the fasting period.

If you are fasting in Sharjah today, you can have your meal at 06:30 PM for Fiqa Jafria and at 06:20 PM for Fiqa Hanafi.

The sick, travelers or those at risk due to health conditions can be exempt from fasting in Islam.

Fasting begins at Fajr hence you cannot eat or indulge in any drinking activity after the Sehri time ends.

Dua for Sehri:

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ.

’’اورمیں نے ماہ رمضان کے کل کے روزے کی نیت کی.‘‘

I Intend to keep the fast for month of Ramadan

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Dua for Iftar

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنَّی لَکَ صُمْتُ وَبِکَ اٰمَنْتُ وَعَلَيْکَ تَوَکَّلْتُ وَعَلٰی رِزْقِکَ اَفْطَرْتُ.

’’اے اللہ!میں نے تیری خاطر روزہ رکھا اور تیرے اوپر ایمان لایا اور تجھ پر بھروسہ کیا اورتیرے رزق سے اسے کھول رہا ہوں۔‘‘

O Allah! I fasted for you and I believe in you and I put my trust in You and I break my fast with your sustenance.

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